The UA Web Services Registry allows you to discover, follow, publish, and participate in conversations about UA Web Services.

Discovering Services

There are three ways to use this site to discover UA Web Services that your applications can utilize in order to access institutional data:

  1. Browse a list of Services: our Discover Page lists all UA Web Services, starting with the most recently added.
  2. View Services associated with a Tag: to your right you will see tag clouds which are a visual depiction of online content associated with UA Web Services.
  3. Search Service names, descriptions and tags: use the search functionality to your right to see Services associated with a particular search term.

Following Services

There are two ways to follow services.

  1. Add a Service to your List of Favorites Services. This method will let the service owner know that you are interested in their service. The more service owners know about their community of service consumers, the better they can manage the service. We recommend that you use this method to follow individual services. Add a service to your list of favorites by clicking the star next to the service name, and you will receive email updates from the service owner.
  2. Follow RSS Feeds for Services or Groups of Services.In order to follow groups of services, for example all of the services associated with a particular tag, you can use an RSS reader to receive updates from the service owners. This method of following services is appropriate for services that you do not use, but have an interest in.

Throughout this application you will see RSS icons like this one:

Clicking on RSS images brings you to pages with RSS feeds, which you can use to follow events related to the publication of new services or updates related to already published services.

In order to follow an RSS feed, add the URL of the RSS feed to your favorite RSS Reader, for example Google Reader.

There are three types of RSS feeds available:

  1. Follow publication of new services. The RSS icon on the Discover Page allows you to follow the publication of new UA Web Services.
  2. Follow services associated with a tag. If you want to follow new services associated with a particular tag, click the tag that you wish to follow in the tag cloud on the right-hand side of the page and look for the RSS icon.
  3. Follow updates to a particular service. To follow a particular service, find the RSS icon on the View Details page associated with that service.

Publishing Services

You can publish your Web Service by clicking the Add a Service button to your right.

You will be able to add different versions for each of your services, allowing you to publish services in different lifecycles (e.g., development, production, retirement).

After creating a service, you will see an option to add alerts to the service when you are viewing the service details. These alerts allow you to communicate with people who use your service and are following the alerts through the RSS feed associated with your service.

Please use the alerts to keep your users up-to-date on changes to your service -- especially if there will be downtime for maintenance.

Participate in Conversations

You will notice Facebook Comment sections on many pages in this application, including the Discover Page, tag pages and the pages to view the details of each service. Don't be shy! We encourage you to participate in conversations, adding your comments and suggestions wherever you like.

When you first register your service, we highly recommend that you put an initial "Welcome" comment so that Facebook will alert you when new comments are posted.


If you have questions about a specific service, please contact the service owner listed with the particular service.

If you have a question for UITS's Systems Integration and Architecture group, which manages this application please send it to our email list:

Support/Help Questions?

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